# Actions Id Name Category Site Date Author Description
Long Dresses Clothing MMH 2009-04-06 Korana This mod adds 5 dresses based off of Semtex and Actarus's mesh.
There are two common dresses for sale, and 3 fancy dresses.
The dresses can be found in Marisa Elanour's house in Pelagiad. The house is located
next door to Ahnassi's house. The house is not marked as a shop, but...
Chascoda's Long Dresses Clothing MMH 2011-01-24 Chascoda I saw a bunch of Dress mods... Being the feminine person I am, I had to add onto the collection.  So, I made a bunch of retextures! :D  
The dresses included are long.  So, they cover up the feet, although a few of the textures are transparent at the bottom, to gi...